So what does that mean? Well, it means back to the pump. Argh. For the next two weeks, I'm going to be pumping full time again so we can measure exactly how much milk he's getting, and supplementing him so that he's getting 5 or 6 ounces at every feeding. I'm drinking a ton of the yucky tea, and looking into other supplements as well. There are a couple that look promising that I'm going to pick up, but they are not at all cheap. I bought some Motherlove More Milk Plus capsules on Amazon, and using the refund from the broken teapot and a gift card from taking surveys, got 120 pills for 12 dollars. But the normal Amazon price is 35, and that's just a 20 day supply! I'm also going to probably go in to Motherhood Express and get some goat's rue
For the moment, I have some formula to supplement with, but I'm starting by using up all my frozen supplies and only an ounce or two of formula. Robert doesn't like the formula-added milk as much, but he has been drinking it. He had two six ounce bottles and a seven ounce bottle today, which seems like a ridiculous amount of food, but is apparently what he needs to start catching up. Starting tomorrow, I'll be trying to give him 35 ounces a day, and since a pint's a pound the world around, that means he's going to be getting something like 20% of his body weight in milk every day. Hungry baby! He's lucky I like him, because this is going to involve a lot of work, even if the supplements and the tea work perfectly.
Other news today is more exciting, Robert reached out, grabbed his paci, and shoved it into his mouth! This is a big step. I'm hoping he starts being able to do that reliably, it will make both of us so much more comfortable. =) I've started putting together a couponing trip, but it's going to have to wait for Thursday. Tomorrow I've just got to get some enumerating done, I didn't manage to do a thing today. Monday and Tuesday are just not good working days for me. But I'll hit it hard the rest of the week, and pick up some necessities at the store besides. I think I may be couponing less and living out of the pantry more while I'm working, but that's not a bad thing. The sales always come back, even if you miss one once. I have to remind myself of that sometimes, but it is true. Making more money and doing less shopping could be a potent combination for me, and it's not like our pantry couldn't use a little rotating!
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