I'm going to come right out and admit that I'm cheating today, the picture I'm posting is from yesterday. I forgot to take a single picture today, and I'm not about to sneak in there and risk waking him up just for a blog picture. I will try and get two tomorrow to make up for it. He still has the same cowlick today as he did yesterday, I never did manage to get it smoothed down. Luckily, it is adorable.
Today was an exciting day because our Netflix for Wii disc arrived in the mail. After about five minutes installation, we can now watch Instant Watch Netflix on our actual television, through the Wii! It is immensely awesome, and I love it! Who needs cable, seriously! And it doesn't cost any extra, either. We may never return our DVDs and get new ones, but we still get value from our Netflix, and now it will be even better. Today Robert and I watched an episode of Fraggle Rock
, and tonight Mike and I are catching up on some Mythbusters
. (Can you tell I got a new widget on my blog? I can point to anything I want on Amazon and it makes the linky for me. Kinda neat, and I can make a list of my favorite things in the sidebar, too.) Nursing's going to be a lot nicer with something to look at to keep me awake. I know it's bonding time, but Robert sometimes wants to eat every couple hours, and that's a lot of bonding. ;-)
M spent time on the phone with Dell today, and they're sending him a new hard drive for the one that failed out and took his important paper with it. Not as good as getting the data back, but at least the computer is going to work again. When he got home from school, Robert and I headed out shopping. We hit up CVS for some new conditioner, some whitening gum, another stick of cocoa butter, and two rolls of toilet paper. That all cost 45 cents. I have been smearing the cocoa butter over the dry patches on Robert's head, he seems to like it, and it makes him smell like a candy bar. I told him "New baby smell and chocolate smell, you're basically catnip for women," but I don't think he got the joke.
Anyway, after that, we went to Walgreens and got nothing, because their stocking is bad this week and they didn't have anything on my list. One of the tough things about couponing is being willing to walk out emptyhanded if you have to. We finished up at Walmart, which Robert likes because that is where he gets his balloon. I was smart today and brought his Winkel
with us, now that he is getting old enough to hold onto toys. One of my friends with small kids recommended this thing, and it is great. He can get hold of it by one loop and shove another one into his mouth, plus there's a rattle in the middle. It was really funny watching him try to shove a loop in his mouth lengthwise and just lick on it when he couldn't make it fit. I just wish it had a different name, because the one it has just sounds weird. I will leave it to the imagination of the reader to construct sentences with it and see why. While Robert was thus occupied, I got two 12 packs of disposable razors, 12 cans of dog food for the animal shelter, two single-load packets of Tide, a bunch of Scotch-Brite sponges (my favorite!) a pasta side dish, and Robert's weekly Happy Birthday balloon, all for 1.84. I still had a gift card in my wallet, too, so we paid nothing out of pocket for the trip. Good show!
Another thing we've been doing this week is working on life insurance and estate planning. Depressing! Really the last thing I want to talk about a week before my 28th birthday is who will raise Robert if something happens to us, and how we can take care of the family if one or both of us were to die. But depressing doesn't mean we don't have to deal with it, and now is the time to get insurance, when we are both young. Dealing with that has also meant confronting the sad fact that we have not been eating like we should for the past, oh, six months or so. I have been getting lots of vitamins and minerals, but I have also been eating like a horse, and that isn't good. We need to exercise and get in shape to be good examples, and so I can get back into all my nice pre-preggo clothes. I have a nice outfit I would like to wear to Robert's baptism on Memorial Day, if I can fit into it. Here's hoping!
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