Thursday, July 8, 2010

Cleaning the Pantry

I have once again let this post go very late, and I've got to skedaddle to bed. Today's chore was cleaning the pantry and the area around the pantry, which is always full of clutter. I organized, tossed a few things out, and rearranged the shelves so the cans and jars were up high. Now when Robert gets going, the only thing he'll be able to pull down on himself is cardboard boxes, and that's pretty okay. It looks better now, but it's very full. Gotta get to work on eating it down before I do much more grocery shopping. And that's good, because M's first summer paycheck has still not arrived, and I am getting a teensy tad nervous. We have money in the savings account, but the check should be getting here any day!

More carrots and rice cereal today, and good success with that. In the evening, I hit Robert up when he was especially hungry, and he ate all of half a tiny jar of carrots, and some rice cereal as well! He's really caught on now, he knows what's going on and that the high chair and the spoon mean food. I think after tomorrow (we are going on the one new food every three days allergy check plan), I will try putting some vanilla or cinnamon in his rice cereal to liven it up. It is not nearly as popular with him as the carrots.

Oh, and new Flickr pics!

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