Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Many Pictures

I will freely admit that I spent most of the evening watching the Dirty Jobs marathon on Discovery Channel, and that is why I don't have a better post for you all tonight. I'm on vacation, dudes! ;-) Having television is such a novelty, and Dirty Jobs is one show it's not easy to find without television. I love it, though! To ease my guilt and give you something to reward you and say sorry for no post yesterday, I scoured my parents' photo card for good pictures. I downloaded 450 pictures, kept about 300, and eventually chose 28 to upload to the Flickr photostream, where they are even now waiting for your perusal! You'll like them.

Today we went grocery shopping for the second week here. I didn't bring my coupons, because, well, I hardly had any. It was weird to shop this way, without much consideration for sales and none for coupons. We got lots of good food, but we spent well over my entire monthly budget for grocery and non-grocery shopping. On the other hand, we were buying for more than twice as many people. It was too hot to do much of anything that wasn't indoors today, over 100 degrees before noon and with humidity that punched you like a wet fist the instant you stepped outside. Oof. When we go home Wednesday, we'll have to do it either before dawn or after dark. It's too doggone hot to do anything else.

But for now, we still have one more wonderful day of vacation, and I'm going to exploit it for all it's worth. I love this! I love having air conditioning I don't have to argue about, and cable television, and a bright sunny house where Robert can look out the window and see beautiful things. I love having other people to take care of him for a few hours at a time. I love being able to watch Robert love and be loved by his extended family. I love having other people working with me on cooking and cleaning, and I love having all kinds of amazing food all the time. I love having a couch. I also love the beach nearby, the swimming pool, all that stuff that's specific to the place we're visiting on vacation, but that's almost secondary this year. Maybe I'm learning to appreciate different things. Whatever the reason, it's been a wonderful vacation and I will be sorry when it's over. We're so lucky to have been able to do this.

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